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In-Home Sales is a unique and

specialized aspect of the selling profession.

In-Home sales training

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This site was inspired by the greatest In-Home salesperson of the modern era, Mr. Dave Yoho and created by his dedicated student Tommy Steele. Featured here are the top experts in the World regarding the area of

 In-Home Sales!

Brian Smith & Tommy Steele
Brian Smith & Tommy Steele
  • Brian Smith is a Senior Account Executive for Dave Yoho Associates, the largest, oldest and most succesful Home Improvement Consulting firm in the United States!
  • Brian Smith provides full business consulting, sales, lead generation and canvassing training directly to home improvement company's and home improvement manufacturers across the country!
  • The Company's that retain Brian Smith as a business consultant are specialty remodelers and manufacturers in the home improvement industry. Each are diverse in the products they offer and equally diverse in size, with revenues that range between $1.5 million and $250 million annually.
  • Each of the company's that engage Brian Smith as a consultant do so because the service he provide's produces a return on investment through increased efficiencies, productivity and profitability!
    • Brian Smith brings real world experience and "best practices" in the fields of sales, marketing and profit management to the organizations he represents from his 20 years in the field, prior to his consulting career.
      • Today's leading manufacturers of sunrooms, basement finishing, replacement windows, water conditioning and one-day bath remodeling use Brian Smith to provide ongoing sales, marketing and business training to their dealers.


      As a sales manager, Brian Smith ranked in the Top 5 Sales Managers in the U.S. by Dave Yoho Associates!

      Sales people trained by Brian Smith AVERAGED a 25% increase in sales!

      Brian Smith's "Sales Management Training" enables today's sales managers to recruit more qualified sales people, experience less turnover and provide a roadmap to acheive maximum performance from each salesperson!

      Brian Smith is a Specialist in Turn Around Management. The action plans and simple to follow road maps he creates helps put company's back on the fast track to profitability in as little as 30-90 days!


        Brian Smith conducts training for hundreds of sales people, business owners and marketing personell every year throughout the United States. He has personally trained hundreds of sales managers in the direct sales industry, many of whom are recognized as the top sales managers in the country!

        The recruiting, selection and training process taught by Brian Smith shows you how to reduce turn-over while adding top producers consistently!

        Brian Smith teaches the most modern lead generation methods by Dave Yoho Associates such as scripting for canvassing, shows/events, and call centers which are used by today's most successful home improvement company's!

        Tommy Steele, Creator of In-Home

        Tommy Steele has over twenty years of experience in the area known as direct or in-home sales. After finishing college with a degree in Soviet studies and a post graduate internship in music marketing, Tommy, thus deciding to forgo Law school or a career in the intelligence community concluded that he could best spread the American ideal through promoting Rock and Roll music; . Beginning his professional career as a live music talent agent, Tommy rapidly learned how to "open doors" and close sales. Early in the 1980's prompted by his late night television habits, Tommy became fascinated with an ongoing advertising campaign

        for an adjustable bed. "I bet I could sell a lot of those things," he would often say basking in the late night, warm glow of the TV screen. This desire, coupled with the need for immediate cash for his fledgling talent agency, compelled Tommy to enter the world of in-home sales.

        Here is where this epic journey began. After traveling "all expenses paid" (Tommy paid all the expenses himself!)

        Within a 400 mile radius of his home, Tommy quickly learned that there is "no tomorrow" in the world of direct or in-home sales. This fact coupled with the innate fear and resentment present in the mind of many people

        (prospects) gave rise to the methods and theories that Tommy teaches today. Thirteen months after he began representing a consumer product Tommy learned about one segment of the in-home sales profession where the unit sale and corresponding commissions were higher: Home Improvements. In 1988 Tommy met the person who would serve both as his inspiration and later his mentor. Mr. Dave Yoho .

        I'll never forget the day he came to speak to our company. With the amount of charge backs I was experiencing I felt like I must have absorbed the entire amount of his fee myself! None the less what began as resentment became admiration and inspiration during the course of Mr. Yoho's presentation. While I was impressed with the skills displayed my associates, Dave Yoho could not only sell in the home but his self made upbringing also enabled to travel in the company of America's Fortune 500 corporations. Personality, power and polish all in one person.

        This is the person who inspired me to speak, write and teach this topic.

        Since that fateful day in 1988 Tommy Steele has shared his impassioned, energetic yet sincere demeanor and his sharp witted humor with some of the biggest names in the world of in-home sales, and addressed a variety of audiences from sales organizations, academic institutions, and government agencies and also in the media (print, radio and television).

        Dave Yoho

        Traditional sales training if applied to IN-HOME SALES will only lead to failure and frustration. Other aspects of the sales profession address other issues like prospecting and soliciting approval along the way catering to a rational buyer or buyers. That is the OPPOSITE of the conditions encountered when selling in the home.


        • Brian Smith is a Senior Account Executive for Dave Yoho Associates, the largest, oldest and most succesful Home Improvement Consulting firm in the United States!
        • Brian Smith provides full business consulting, sales, lead generation and canvassing training directly to home improvement company's and home improvement manufacturers across the country!
        • The Company's that retain Brian Smith as a business consultant are specialty remodelers and manufacturers in the home improvement industry. Each are diverse in the products they offer and equally diverse in size, with revenues that range between $1.5 million and $250 million annually.
        • Each of the company's that engage Brian Smith as a consultant do so because the service he provide's produces a return on investment through increased efficiencies, productivity and profitability!
          • Brian Smith brings real world experience and "best practices" in the fields of sales, marketing and profit management to the organizations he represents from his 20 years in the field, prior to his consulting career.
            • Today's leading manufacturers of sunrooms, basement finishing, replacement windows, water conditioning and one-day bath remodeling use Brian Smith to provide ongoing sales, marketing and business training to their dealers.


            As a sales manager, Brian Smith ranked in the Top 5 Sales Managers in the U.S. by Dave Yoho Associates!

            Sales people trained by Brian Smith AVERAGED a 25% increase in sales!

            Brian Smith's "Sales Management Training" enables today's sales managers to recruit more qualified sales people, experience less turnover and provide a roadmap to acheive maximum performance from each salesperson!

            Brian Smith is a Specialist in Turn Around Management. The action plans and simple to follow road maps he creates helps put company's back on the fast track to profitability in as little as 30-90 days!


              Brian Smith conducts training for hundreds of sales people, business owners and marketing personell every year throughout the United States. He has personally trained hundreds of sales managers in the direct sales industry, many of whom are recognized as the top sales managers in the country!

              The recruiting, selection and training process taught by Brian Smith shows you how to reduce turn-over while adding top producers consistently!

              Brian Smith teaches the most modern lead generation methods by Dave Yoho Associates such as scripting for canvassing, shows/events, and call centers which are used by today's most successful home improvement company's!